AHA Basic Life Support CPR Instructor / ACLS Instructor / PALS Instructor
This American Heart Association (AHA) Instructor Course provides registrants with the knowledge and background to become an effective AHA Instructor in the specific disciplines.
There are precourse requisites that must be completed prior to coming to class. See below and course registration for details.
The ideal instructor candidate:
- Can facilitate learning
- Is motivated to provide students with the best educational experience possible
- Enthusiastically approaches assessment as a way to improve students’ skills
All prospective participants in an instructor course must:
- Possess current provider status in the discipline they wish to teach
- Have completed an instructor candidate application
All instructor course candidates must own the most current edition of the AHA provider textbooks, Videos and instructor manuals for the courses they wish to teach. Candidates are required to use instructor manuals during the instructor course.
Instructor candidates must demonstrate:
- Satisfactory performance of the skills listed in the Faculty Guide for Performance
- a thorough knowledge of course organization;
- course content, including appropriate discipline specific skills;
- instructor responsibilities;
- and the AHA guidelines for the specific discipline
Instructor status is granted after an instructor candidate successfully completes the instructor course and meets the following requirements:
- Within 6 months of successfully completing the instructor course, the candidate must successfully demonstrate his or her teaching skills, while being monitored, during a provider or provider renewal course
- Must align with a training center, which will issue the instructor certification card (the card will expire two years from the issue date)
EMERG does take on new instructors if you need to align with a Training Center.
Upcoming classes are listed on the home page under upcoming events or click on events to see all upcoming classes. Pre-registration is required.